IDO AGM 2023

IDO Ordinary General
Assembly Meeting 2023

Copenhagen, Denmark,

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IDO-Head office
Udsigten 3 | Slots Bjergby
4200 Slagelse | Denmark
Executive Secretary:
Mrs. Kirsten Dan Jensen

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by Trajce Petkovski

Successful IDO Couple Dance Annual Department Meeting

The International Dance Organization (IDO) is delighted to announce the success of the Couple Dance Annual Department Meeting, chaired by the esteemed Klaus Hollbacher from Austria. The meeting brought together leading figures in the world of dance to discuss exciting new developments and future plans for the Couple Dance Department.

Key highlights from the meeting include:

Formulation of a New Dress Code:

A significant outcome of the meeting was the decision to develop a new dress code for the Couple Dance Department. This dress code aims to standardize and enhance the aesthetic appeal and professionalism of our dancers. The finalized version of this dress code will be presented at the upcoming Annual General Assembly (AGA).
Introduction of a New Discipline: Latin Style Medley:

In a bid to diversify and enrich the dance offerings, the meeting approved the introduction of a new discipline called the Latin Style Medley. This exciting addition is expected to showcase a blend of various Latin dance styles, providing a fresh and dynamic element to our competitions.

Fruitful Engagement with National Member Organizations (NMOs):

The meeting was also marked by productive discussions with our National Member Organizations (NMOs). These interactions were instrumental in aligning our strategies and goals, ensuring cohesive and robust growth for the Couple Dance Department globally.
Klaus Hollbacher expressed his satisfaction with the meeting's outcomes, stating, "This gathering has been incredibly productive. The new initiatives, particularly the dress code and the Latin Style Medley, will undoubtedly elevate the standard and appeal of our couple dance competitions. Our collaboration with NMOs continues to be a cornerstone of our success, and we are excited about the future."

The IDO looks forward to implementing these new initiatives and continuing to foster an inclusive and vibrant community for dancers worldwide.

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The International Dance Organization IDO is a non profit World Dance- and Dancesport Federation consisting of over 90 member and contact nations.


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