IDO AGM 2023

IDO Ordinary General
Assembly Meeting 2023

Copenhagen, Denmark,

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IDO-Head office
Udsigten 3 | Slots Bjergby
4200 Slagelse | Denmark
Executive Secretary:
Mrs. Kirsten Dan Jensen

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by Trajce Petkovski

Nordic Grand Prix: A Celebration of Dance and Partnership in Orebro, Sweden

Knut Säborg, a prominent figure in the world of dance, is thrilled to announce the inaugural Nordic Grand Prix, a licensed International Dance Organization event set to captivate audiences from December 8 to 10 in Orebro, Sweden.

This groundbreaking dance competition is not only a showcase of exceptional talent but also a celebration of a special anniversary. The Nordic Grand Prix marks a significant milestone in the enduring partnership between Knut Säborg and Kirsten Dan Jensen, the esteemed IDO Executive Secretary.

Knut Säborg, a trailblazer in the dance community, expressed his enthusiasm for the upcoming event, saying, "The Nordic Grand Prix is more than just a competition; it's a testament to the power of dance to unite and inspire. We are excited to bring together some of the most talented dancers from across the Nordic region and beyond."

The Nordic Grand Prix will take place at IDROTTSHUSET in Orebro, providing a world-class stage for competitors to shine. The event promises not only thrilling competitions but also workshops, masterclasses, and special performances that will inspire and entertain both participants and spectators.

We did an interview with Knut Säborg and he shared his excitement about the Nordic Grand Prix.
Check it out!

1. Can you share some special moments or memories from the 25 years of collaboration and friendship between you and Kirsten Dan Jensen in the context of the IDO International licensed dance event Nordic & Christmas Open?

Kirsten has supported us from the very beginning. She believed in our idea of the Christmas Cup and she helped us spread the competition internationally.

2. As the 25th anniversary of your partnership with Kirsten Dan Jensen approaches, how has this enduring collaboration influenced the development and success of the Nordic & Christmas Open over the years?

The competition grew and dancers returned every year and it became a tradition to participate. We all looked forward to meet again the next year.

3. As the organizer, what unique elements or themes can attendees anticipate during the dance event in Örebro, Sweden, from December 8-10, 2023?

The familiar feeling of a dance competition in a winter landscape.

4. In what ways do you envision the Nordic & Christmas Open contributing to the growth and promotion of dance, both locally in Sweden and internationally, given its IDO International licensed status?

We continue to create competitions and follow the international developments, through the help and support of Kirsten. Our competition has really brought the dancers together as friends, which makes them want to go more international competitions to meet on the dancefloor.

5. As you organize this event in Orebro, Sweden, from December 8-10, 2023, what message or legacy do you hope to convey to the dance community, both in terms of the event itself and the enduring friendship with Kirsten Dan Jensen?

We want to give both judges and dancers a good feeling when they spend time with us in Örebro. As an organizer, being able to end the year with this competition feels good. It provides energy for years to come.

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