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IDO Logo usage letter
Dear IDO National Member Organizations and Contacts,
It has come to our attention that there may be some misunderstanding regarding the licensing and official status of competitions affiliated with the International Dance Organization (IDO). We wish to clarify that only competitions published on the official IDO website hold a valid license from IDO and thus carry an official status.
Should you come across instances where the IDO logo and international competition license are being misused, we kindly request that you inform the IDO promptly. This includes instances involving OPEN NATIONAL, OPEN REGIONAL, and OPEN CONTINENTAL competitions. However, please note that this regulation does not extend to the national championships organized by our member organizations for their respective national selection competitions.
For our colleagues in Asia, we would like to highlight that the last competitions licensed by IDO were held in August 2023 (South Korea), August 2023 (Chinese Taipei) and March 2024 (Chinese Taipei). Any other competitions, championships, workshops, seminars, or similar events held without the permission of IDO are not endorsed by our organization.
Furthermore, it is imperative to note that any contracts, diplomas, certificates, licenses, or scholarships issued in the name of IDO without proper authorization do not carry the responsibility of our organization, as they do not adhere to our rules and regulations.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the IDO Senior-Vice President.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Best regards,
Fiona Johnson