IDO AGM 2023

IDO Ordinary General
Assembly Meeting 2023

Copenhagen, Denmark,

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IDO-Head office
Udsigten 3 | Slots Bjergby
4200 Slagelse | Denmark
Executive Secretary:
Mrs. Kirsten Dan Jensen

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by Trajce Petkovski

EFPM Recognizes IDO's Commitment to Fair Play Principles

The European Fair Play Movement (EFPM) successfully organized the Annual Gala Fair Play Awards and the Congress, themed 'Fair Play Education to Overcome Racism in Sport,' in Baku, Azerbaijan on the 23rd and 24th of November 2023. The prestigious event provided a platform for the International Dance Organization (IDO) to showcase its commitment to fair play principles and values.

At the Congress, Mr. Patrik Perosa, Advisor to the President, had the honor of presenting the significant outcomes of the six-year cooperation between IDO and EFPM, forged through a Memorandum of Understanding. One of the pivotal achievements was the amendment of IDO's Statutes and By-Laws, integrating a definition emphasizing the organization's steadfast dedication to fair play principles.

The amended aims and objectives of IDO now explicitly include the promotion and protection of internationally recognized human rights, ethical standards, fair play, integrity, and good governance. This signifies a momentous stride towards fostering a sports environment that is not only competitive but also rooted in fairness and ethical conduct.

In addition to these changes, the IDO General Assembly adopted a new Code of Conduct, complete with a comprehensive Fair Play Policy. This policy underscores IDO's commitment to cultivating an environment where fair play is not just a concept but a lived reality.

Furthermore, the Guidelines and Criteria for IDO Awards have been expanded to include the Annual Fair Play Award, scheduled to be presented for the first time in 2023. This addition reflects IDO's dedication to recognizing and celebrating fair play within its community.

IDO's active participation in the prestigious ceremony on World Fair Play Day in Brussels on September 7th was another highlight of the cooperation. The event, dedicated to 'Peace through Sport,' featured an artistic dance performance choreographed by Selina Jappee from IDO Norway, symbolizing the organization's commitment to promoting peace and fair play through the art of dance.

For the first time, IDO submitted two proposals for the EFPM 'Spirit of Fair Play' Annual Award 2023, resulting in the DanceSport Federation of Slovenia receiving the Diploma of Recognition. These accolades underscore the positive impact of the EFPM and IDO collaboration on the global stage.

The EFPM and IDO cooperation, as hailed during the Congress, serves as a model for promoting the principles and values of Fair Play. The achievements of the past six years are viewed not as an endpoint but as a beginning, laying the groundwork for continued collaboration in fostering fair play in the world of sports.

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The International Dance Organization IDO is a non profit World Dance- and Dancesport Federation consisting of over 90 member and contact nations.


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