approved IDO-Events
Nov 8 - Nov 9

XXI Polish Open Championships Freestyle Twardogóra 2014 under the patronage of the Mayor and Municipal Twardogóra

Deadline: Oct 8, 2014
Country: Poland
City: Twardogóra
Hall: Sport and Entertainment Arena in Twardogóra GOSiR

Name: Dance Sport Club Sport-Dance, Municipal Sports and Recreation Centre in Twardogóra & JAST Dance School Zbigniew St. Zasada
GSM: +48 697 966 966
Web Site:;
Facebook: TBA

07. November 2014 - Accompanying the tournament under the auspices of the Polish Freestyle Dance Union

Disco Dance, Hip-Hop, Hip-Hop Battle, Electric Boogie, Break Dance, Jazz Dance, Modern, Ballet-Pointe, Salsa Shines,


Solos, Duos, Small Groups, Formations,

Street Dance Show - only Small Groups and Formations

The Open Polish Freestyle Champpionships are the oldest regular event of Freestyle in Poland, as every year, a large variety of dance disciplines.
The Championships will be held in the hospitable and friendly Twardogóra. Beautiful hall, nice atmosphere, very good facilities. This is where we invite dancers who feel the freestyle rhythms.

Supervisors: Pagano Edilio (Italy),